Organize your life with WIZT


Smartphone, Teléfono Celular, Apple Que I Teléfono

Nowadays, modern life rhythm is very stressing, because it gives a little time for the daily and necessary activities, but thanks to technology various tools are trying to simplify and organize our lives from anywhere. One of these tools is WIZT.

What is WIZT?

WIZT is an application designed to search, find and register various household products very easily. WIZT is a very versatile application because with just one click you can quickly find the wide variety of items that are in your home or office among many other places without much effort and without committing too much time; It is perfect to remember where everything is. This application is available for Google Play and for Apple Testflight.

Advantages of the app

WIZT is perfect for big families or if you have lots of visitors or also if you use rent services, like Airbnb, because it let’s your guests to know where everything is, saving time and worries.

Some of the advantages that WIZT offers are:

  1. You can find any of your belongings: with this application, it is very easy to find everything that’s been stored in it, because with just a photo you can quickly find your stuff.
  2. You can view the storage space from the cell phone: WIZT gives you the option of making a sketch that represents the place where most of your things are stored and so, you can electronically find where everything is.
  3. When they are in boxes: you can use this application to know in which box is the object you are looking for without needing to search into an endless number of them. This makes everything faster since they can register everything that is in each box and in that way have everything organized.
  4. Plans: you can develop plans if you need to have only a basic notion of where your things could be.
  5. You can create groups: you can share your information with your friends, colleagues and family, so if you need to travel or move things from the office you can use the information and data of all those who are in the group.
  6. Security: all the information that you wish to upload to this application will be protected by a 2FA cloud and a password with which you can manage all your information in a safety way.
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How much does it cost?

The biggest question that we made to ourselves when we hear about a fantastic app it’s: “Ok, the app is great, but how much does it costs?” Well, we are happy to tell you that the first 30 photos that you take with WITZ are completely free, which includes:

  • 30 Labels
  • Unlimited Tags
  • Floor plan creation
  • The possibility to receive shares from other users

If you want to improve your experience with tags and more functionalities you can opt to the premium packages that are as cheap as 70 dollars per year, which means a little price for all the benefits that it brings. So don’t wait up and start organizing your life.

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